Leaden waters: How to be brave
Olga Alexopoulou
January 20 – February 17 2018
Galata Greek School is pleased to present the solo exhibition of Olga Alexopoulou titled "Leaden waters: how to be brave’’ from 20th January to 17th February 2018. The art of Alexopoulou, whose works have appeared in museums, galleries and as street art on walls around the world, will now resonate in the historic context of the Galata Greek School.
Black ink drawings, a mural and several installations will make up an exhibition that is a self critical examination of the question: What does it mean to be brave? In a world saturated with stimuli, how can we choose a way to conduct ourselves? The modern Greek poet Andreas Empirikos once wrote: "And the reverie with its keys opens up the horizons, that stretch out and ceaselessly grow, like ripples of a stone that fell on to a surface undisturbed by acts perishable and spurious." This work uses reverie to discover a way of being beyond the illusory surface and indulges the viewer into a meditation over leaden waters.
Olga Alexopoulou, was born in Athens, Greece and is a graduate of the Ruskin School of Art of Oxford University. Over a decade ago, she moved to Istanbul after becoming enchanted by the city. Her works have been exhibited in museums like Ningbo in China, the National History Museum of Greece and the Bouziani Museum. More recently her work was featured in the Biennale Internationale d' Art Mural of France. In 2015 she completed the largest mural ever painted in Greece, and in 2017 she was included in the 50 best women street artists in the world in publications in London and Paris.
Sponsored by Galata Greek School and Istanbul Concept Gallery