The Blue Hour
Olga Alexopoulou
世界で活躍する画家、Olga Alexopoulouの個展をUltraSuperNew galleryで開催いたします。イスタンブール・コンセプト・ギャラリーとヘラクレイドン美術館とのコラボレーションで実現する今回の個展では、「青」をテーマに、芸術と最先端のテクノロジーを掛け合わせた、彼女の画家として遂げる進化を明かします。
Alexopoulou は長年にわたり、古代から現代に至るまで様々な「青」の研究を続け、常に新たな「青」を求め世界中を旅してきました。古くから陶磁器に使用される顔料「コバルトブルー」を求めて辿り着いたのは、中国の都市、景徳鎮。青の探求し続ける道のりの中で、Alexopoulouは、プルトニウム、ダークエネルギーと加速膨張する宇宙を発見した科学研究室とコラボし、Quantum Blueを製作しました。「青の時間」と呼ばれる、日の出前や日の入り後短い時間見られる空の青色を髣髴とさせるQuantum Blueは、ナノ科学的原則と芸術分野の関係性を問う、新しい「青」の顔料です。
Quantum Blueの主な成分は量子ドット(無機ナノ粒子で構成された半導体)であり、吸収時と発光時に青く見えます。この顔料はAlexopoulou本人が考案し、ナノクリスタル製作の権威として国際的に有名な、ポール・アリヴィサトス教授が採用しました。カリフォルニアのローレンス・バークレー国立研究所でナノテクノロジーの科学者たちによって原料が提供され、西アッティカ大学の色素専門家Maria Chatzidakis と共に製作されました。

UltraSuperNew Gallery is proud to present the solo show of the international painter Olga Alexopoulou. The exhibition, brought to you in global collaboration with Istanbul Concept Gallery and the Herakleidon Art Museum, reveals the artist’s evolution through the colour blue, an evolution that includes the intersection between art and advanced technology.
Alexopoulou has spent years studying the color blue from antiquity to today, often travelling around the world to explore different blue pigments. The search for cobalt blue as it is used in the traditional way in blue & white porcelain, for example, took her to Jingdezhen, China, the capital of porcelain. Continuing her journey in the exploration of blue, Alexopoulou collaborated with the scientific laboratory that discovered plutonium, dark energy and the acceleration of the universe and subsequently created a new pigment. Confluencing nanoscientific principles and art, what is now called, Quantum Blue, is a pure color reminiscent of the period of a day known as the blue hour — that brief period of twilight before sunrise or after sunset.
The pigment is made out of quantum dots (inorganic nanocrystals made from semiconductors) and is blue in both absorption and luminescence. The concept was conceived by Alexopoulou and was taken on by Prof. Paul Alivisatos, an internationally recognized authority on the fabrication of nanocrystals. Nanotechnology scientists implemented the materials at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in California, along with colour expert Maria Chatzidakis from the University of West Attica.
Alexopoulou, was born in Athens, Greece and is a graduate of the Ruskin School of Art of Oxford University. In the last years her works have appeared in museums and galleries around the world. In 2017, she was included in the 50 best women street artists in the world in publications in London and Paris. More recently her work was featured in the Biennale Internationale d’Art Mural of France and in May 2018 she exhibited her work and created a mural in New York on behalf of the Bronx Art Space.
The artist’s rich and expansive practice will be exhibited for the first time in Japan at the UltraSuperNew gallery, in March 2019.